1 November 2014

Mumpung kantor lagi sepi di hari Sabtu, I took the chance streaming Muse's live on Youtube. Gosh, such a lifetime ago. I even missed when they headlined Glastonbury, back in for years ago.

My all time virtuoso :*
Reading Fest was my pick. 2011. You know, it irritated me. It was the celebration of Origin of Symmetry's 10th anniversary. Frankly, the album is my favorite among the other records.

Satu paruh konser Muse memainkan semua (baca: semua) lagu dari album kedua mereka itu, sesuai urutan di sampul album. Dekor panggung disesuaikan dgn artwork album. Huhuhuhu... Gimana nda cemburu sama semua penonton yang ada di sana. It may take another 15 years to see them bring out Citizen Erased, Darkshines, Screenager, and Microcuts out of the room.

Dan ini video durasi dua jam. Selepas semua lagu klasik dibawakan, ternyata lanjut lagi dengan lagu-lagu jagoan lainnya. Kayak reuni dengan sebuah masa kuliah kemarin. Jika lagu-lagu mereka punya alam mental, maka wujudnya pasti seorang teman yang menyenangkan, teman yang cool tapi bahaya :D I feel like I wanna hug Dom yang tatapannya masih sangat baby. Never gets old... Tapi gebukan bikin adrenalin mengalir terus. Miss them so muuuuuuch..  #apadeh

But what most important feeling from this video... Surprisingly I feel alive. Apalagi pas lirik terakhir Citizen Erased, Matt melirih diiringi piano kesayangan:

Wash me away... Clean your body of me...
Erase all the memories... They only bring us pain... And I've seen all I'd ever be...

For the first time again in past few years, I'm relieved...

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