19 November 2014


I just finished Eleanor and Park. Thanks for the book. I couldn't put it down. Rainbow Rowell is a poison. Awalnya kukira akan kesulitan menyelaraskan bahasa, in fact, saya terbawa arus kisah mereka and how wonderful Rowell meramu metafora menggambarkan perasaan pasangan ini... Never in a million years I would think like "Membelai wajah Eleanor seperti ia sedang menyentuh ujung dunia" Holy cow!!!

By the way, apa kabarmu? Belum sempat mengabari lagi via telpon, mungkin engkau tengah mempersiapkan ujian akhir bulan. Or is it the weather? Xmas is coming soon. Pasti sangat indah sekaligus gloomy, White Xmas.

I mean, have you found the missing pieces? Is it raining there as well? Would the coffee warm you? Do you sleep at night?

Kartu pos mu belum sampai. Did you know, once I told Dwi, that in the next life I want to be a postcard. Travel the whole world for free :D

It's my birthday next Sunday... Still, kado darimu 9 tahun lalu yang terbaik ever in my life. Maybe a little hello from Stockholm air or whatsapp text I need to get from you.

Good luck with the test, Buddy


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