29 November 2014


I've seen Xmas pictures in Stockholm. Wish I was there. Ingin mendengar giring-giring kaki rusa kutub along with church's bells ringin. With the snow and the lamps. I love everything that illuminates like I love the night. Proof that we need light even in the weakest bright...

Courtesy by Iqko

How are you? Getting skinnier? :) time for lemak-lemak yang selama ini nempel di daging berfungsi selama musim dingin. Atau aktivitas otak sudah menguras berat badanmu.

I just watch Penguins of Madagascar. Quite a pain killer because of last night short conversation with 'you know who'. And one more time, my silence almost killed me. Though I believe, silence could save us from any harms....

We love the ones who ignore us and we ignore the ones who love us.

It's a simplest tragedy that could happen to anyone, you see. On the other hand, maybe it's the way God playing His sense of humor.

And just got news as well, Muse be playing in Germany on June next year. You know it hurts me hahahha. I'll be missing the gig. But I know you always wait me over there. I'll make it this time honey... Hope the patience doesn't leave me again...

And I think become Alice of Closer again, after last night. You know when somebody got rid you off. I just wish, when I moved on, I'd never look back again.

Don't get cold,


26 November 2014

Dwi sayang...

Kemarin-kemarin saya sudah cerita, kalau setiap malam ulang tahun saya selalu menuliskan sesuatu, entah curhatan, harapan, semacam kaleidoskop, impian yang sudah tercapai, atau sekedar surat tidak bertuan, seperti Charlie.

Sudah tanggal 25, berarti mundur dua hari dari jadwal reguler selama ini menuliskan birthday note.

I haven't re-read them all. Pulang kantor saya sudah tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa, tidur kadang masih pakai seragam. I miss those moments kita di kosan, ngobrol-ngobrol, Ara masih di perut, atau Ara sementara nenen, dan kita berhadapan di depan tv yang menyiarkan pertandingan Piala Eropa. And in the morning I made you breakfast, nasi goreng yang ternyata pakai bumbu instan hahaha.

Like C.C. Lewis said, betapa kita menjalani hari yang terasa sama setiap hari, tapi saat menoleh kembali, betapa banyak hal yang berubah. That is why, I end up thinking, betapa tidak bijaknya menuntut seseorang untuk stay the same. The world is spinning, with new breathe, new circumstances, new stories.

Even myself. You always told me to walking off.. Not to be attached too much with the past. It's a strange pull Dwi. Takes away everything, my pulse, my blood pressure, heartbeat, my nights, my conscious mind. And in the name of love, seemed I can never let go.

As Amelia Brand said, ketika membicarakan cinta di space ship di tengah keheningan galaksi tak berpenghuni, bahwa sesuatu yang tidak bisa dipahami seperti cinta, belum tentu ia tidak ada, Ia ada tapi keterbatasan kita memaknai menjadikannya terdengar sebagai lelucon, jauh dari akal sehat. Love is like gravity that transcends time and space. I shed tears when she said love is observable. That love is something that we can touch.. Just like when Ara covered and kissed you saying good night...

Mother Teresa asked us to have faith on small things, because is it in them the strength lies. I feel that strength that keeps me walking. Though I'm getting older, but I believe you wouldn't be the ones who said I was wasting my time. You know I am free will thinker but, detik demi detik yang terus berlalu selalu membawaku pada keyakinan jika semuanya saling berhubungan. Believing in destiny sometimes makes me weak, I don't deserve good things happen to me. But I hope it doesn't make me give in...

Sebagai penutup, saya sisipkan potongan lirik dari Rogue Valley, The Wolves and The Ravens. The only song in my mobile phone. Listening to it as many as I can. Pretty much boost my mood and takes me to another kind of air....

"When my hands are old and ache
And my memory flickers dim
And my bones don’t hold my skin
There’s no place I haven’t been

I recall the days were few
That is all that I can do
Feel the carvings in the tree
That gives shade for you and me..."

Love always,


19 November 2014


I just finished Eleanor and Park. Thanks for the book. I couldn't put it down. Rainbow Rowell is a poison. Awalnya kukira akan kesulitan menyelaraskan bahasa, in fact, saya terbawa arus kisah mereka and how wonderful Rowell meramu metafora menggambarkan perasaan pasangan ini... Never in a million years I would think like "Membelai wajah Eleanor seperti ia sedang menyentuh ujung dunia" Holy cow!!!

By the way, apa kabarmu? Belum sempat mengabari lagi via telpon, mungkin engkau tengah mempersiapkan ujian akhir bulan. Or is it the weather? Xmas is coming soon. Pasti sangat indah sekaligus gloomy, White Xmas.

I mean, have you found the missing pieces? Is it raining there as well? Would the coffee warm you? Do you sleep at night?

Kartu pos mu belum sampai. Did you know, once I told Dwi, that in the next life I want to be a postcard. Travel the whole world for free :D

It's my birthday next Sunday... Still, kado darimu 9 tahun lalu yang terbaik ever in my life. Maybe a little hello from Stockholm air or whatsapp text I need to get from you.

Good luck with the test, Buddy


17 November 2014


It was raining... Looking it again through meeting room window. In the morning, I just got back from Bone. Best friend's wedding. And it was always fun but I couldn't stay late. Di antara angkatan lain, kami yang masih paling sering ngumpul dalam jumlah banyak. Saya kembali ke Makassar bersama Anca, our mutual friend :D First time in my life sejak kuliah kemarin. Woke up at 4 in the morning, rushing up, then cabut persis jam 5. I didn't forget to show him your house when we went through :D

We stopped by on our halfway, just to taste a little warmness in our cups. A little talk about last night conversation with mates. Some of them already made the plans, well if you know what 'plan' means. Bahagia mendengar kabar-kabar bahagia akan datang silih berganti. It fills me... Truly...

I met Daisy, one of my best friends in my life. She was as happy as I was... She's magical, just like you.

By the way, birthday is coming. Wish you were here, honey. I still miss you.

Love always,


11 November 2014

Hate it when people talking behind someone's back. Belum lagi kalau dengan tawa dan bumbu-bumbu lainnya. I mean, what's the point. Did they enjoy it, gaining some pleasures, or maybe some strength by knowing other's shortcomings? Boo!!!

5 November 2014


So, it's November already... Took two days for me to notice. Rain hasn't come yet. I miss the wet window, the warm twilight from meeting room view over gloomy Makassar. I'm way obsessed.

Abah sudah baikan. Alhamdulillah. Kalau kata Legolas pada Aragorn: Maaf karena sempat ragu. Back in early days, saya termasuk yang paling ragu dengan kondisi Abah, sejak pertama kali mendengar akan operasi (rushed up to archives room, burst into tears no one hear, or the moment when my boss calmed me down through the line). But, there everything goes. Tadi malam menjenguknya, beliau mengenali saya, tampaknya ingin tersenyum tapi belum bisa. Seketika migraine yang kubawa-bawa dari kantor terbang jauh.

"Mbok ya periksa toh dek..." ucap istri Abah waktu di ruang tunggu.
"Cuma tekanan darah bu lagi gak stabil", belaku
"Hati-hati entar kayak Abah, telat baru nyesel"

Migraine sucks. Senyum saja ke Ibu rasanya susah. Saya pamit dan meminta ibu untuk makan dan minum obatnya selama ini. Sejam kemudian ia menelpon mengabari supaya area intermediate ICU disterilkan dulu dari pengunjung. Khawatirnya Abah bisa drop karena kondisi emosional bertemu teman. Ternyata selepas saya pergi, Abah sempat menangis. Sampai tadi malam, sekitar tiga karyawan dari kantor yang datang menjenguk. Maybe, just maybe, Abah sedih atau kaget karena kondisinya kini.

Dari rumah sakit, saya, Ka Jun, Ka Aidil, dan Ka Riza janjian nonton Fury di Mtos. Motivasi pribadi: liat Logan Lerman a.k.a. Charlie di The Perks of Being Wallflower. Motivasi nomor 2: it has been so long, ingin nonton lagi dengan surround sound. Filmnya tentang lima orang penjaga tank Amerika melawan tank Jerman. Personally, saya suka karakter Bible (diperankan oleh Shia LeBaouf). Saya suka waktu ia berdoa dalam sebuah makan bersama di daerah yang baru saja mereka taklukkan. Dalam film ini, kita akan menjumpai pertanyaan, yang tidak ada ujungnya mungkin: apakah Tuhan menghendaki perang?

Dari sisi cinematografi, bisa disaksikan kebengisan dan jahatnya perang. Namun, dari sisi emosional, sosok Don tidak berhasil mengambil tempat di kepala saya. Like it better waktu Brad Pitt di Inglorious Bastard.

Well, hope the rain will come soon yes.

Love always,

3 November 2014

Johan Enny

Hei kamu yang di balik pintu, kuingin engkau tahu...,
Bila saat pintu kau buka, ku akan tetap ada....


1 November 2014

Mumpung kantor lagi sepi di hari Sabtu, I took the chance streaming Muse's live on Youtube. Gosh, such a lifetime ago. I even missed when they headlined Glastonbury, back in for years ago.

My all time virtuoso :*
Reading Fest was my pick. 2011. You know, it irritated me. It was the celebration of Origin of Symmetry's 10th anniversary. Frankly, the album is my favorite among the other records.

Satu paruh konser Muse memainkan semua (baca: semua) lagu dari album kedua mereka itu, sesuai urutan di sampul album. Dekor panggung disesuaikan dgn artwork album. Huhuhuhu... Gimana nda cemburu sama semua penonton yang ada di sana. It may take another 15 years to see them bring out Citizen Erased, Darkshines, Screenager, and Microcuts out of the room.

Dan ini video durasi dua jam. Selepas semua lagu klasik dibawakan, ternyata lanjut lagi dengan lagu-lagu jagoan lainnya. Kayak reuni dengan sebuah masa kuliah kemarin. Jika lagu-lagu mereka punya alam mental, maka wujudnya pasti seorang teman yang menyenangkan, teman yang cool tapi bahaya :D I feel like I wanna hug Dom yang tatapannya masih sangat baby. Never gets old... Tapi gebukan bikin adrenalin mengalir terus. Miss them so muuuuuuch..  #apadeh

But what most important feeling from this video... Surprisingly I feel alive. Apalagi pas lirik terakhir Citizen Erased, Matt melirih diiringi piano kesayangan:

Wash me away... Clean your body of me...
Erase all the memories... They only bring us pain... And I've seen all I'd ever be...

For the first time again in past few years, I'm relieved...