25 May 2014

Hai back again.

Mendadak influenza setelah perjalanan lima hari ke Kupang dan Lombok kemarin (jadi ingat Dave yang juga rentan influenza). Feel uncoordinated, after last night sleep loss akibat nonton final Liga Champion antara Real Madrid dan Atletico. Final terakhir yang saya nonton itu enam tahun lalu, when MU wore the crown. Kali ini, saya pikir harus bela-belain nonton, menjadi saksi El Real meraih La Decima. It was a game, worth my time. People said Life is a ball, round, rolling unpredictably. Ramos proved that things aren't over till they are over.

Moreover, mengalami momen magic saat menyaksikan Xabi Alonso di bangku penonton. Peaceful over his face and the way he kissed his accompany's cheek. An eyegasm.... Nooo...

A defining moment. Wish Guti and Ozil were there..

Laptop bermasalah, baterainya sudah jebol. God, feels like half my brain died. Belum mempertimbangkan apakah ganti baterai atau ganti baru.

My mind can't stop working. Seperti bisa memikirkan semua hal bersamaan. Thus, I hate when my body can't align the energy.

Still mad with my room. Tadi sempat nonton X Men sama adek Ilham (review nya di posting berikutnya ya). Rindu dengan perjalanan pulang balik Tamalanrea-kantor. My heart is there all along. Mungkin baru bisa pindah habis Lebaran. Pindah kantor juga mungkin hiks hiks...

Tapi sebelum saya mengeluh lebih jauh (di mana itulah guna blog ini :D) saya mengutip kalimat dari film Barfi:

When you love, you may suffer. When you don't, you don't live. 
See u soon,

Emma xx

16 May 2014


Half yesterday and last night was quite bizarre. I know it must be my mind playing the tricks on me. Pulang dari takziah mama Uphie yang meninggal pekan lalu, setelah insiden mutar-mutar Perumnas Antang oleh supir taksi yang sotoy kata Were. Saya harus bayar 72.000, setara dengan ongkos mobil pulang kampung ke Bone kata Were lagi. Fiuuuhh... But as usual I tried to swallow my anger so much that I suffered backhead pain as I arrived home.

Efeknya badan tidak bisa bergerak. Teringat janji dengan Dwi, but Thank God rain was falling. Rencana ke Rotterdam dan sunset di Popsa akhirnya batal. Lega, soalnya saya tidak pernah bisa menolak ajakan Dwi :D

Alhasil terkapar di kasur yang selalu bikin tulang belakangku sakit. Couldn't move my body. Got trapped in Sherlock's The Reichenbach Fall, just to see Moriarty's mimic on "Honey you should see me in a crowd" and Sherlock's face as he felt being beaten by him. And of course Molly, she gave me hope.

Terbangun jam 2 malam, chat di group Dragon penuh dengan ucapan semangat buat Mbak Wuri yang sebentar lagi akan melahirkan akhir pekan ini. Aku hanya bangun minum air, put my jeans on, dan kembali tergeletak, berharap terang tidak segera datang. Thursday night, I supposed to stay late, but my body betrayed me again.

And because this is Friday, I'm making my wish, that He'll erase hatred and loathes in my heart, a chance to visit Imam Husain's shrine, to begin no matter how hurt the past is.

A strange to carry on my Lord, I will never make my way without Your Grace.

8 May 2014

Gwen's Speech

"It's easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today, but there will be dark days ahead of us too, and they'll be days where you feel all alone, and that's when hope is needed most, no matter how buried it gets, or how lost you feel, you must promise me, that you will hold on to hope. Keep it alive, we have to be greater than what we suffer. 

My wish for you, is to become hope, people need that, and even if we fail, what better way is there to live. As we look around here today, and all the people who helped make us who we are, I know it feels like we're saying goodbye, but we will carry a piece of each other, into everything we do next, to remind us of who we are, and if we're meant to be. I've had a great four years with you, I'll miss you very much."
—Gwen Stacy
From Amazing Spiderman 2