18 March 2014

Words of Imam Ali

"Beware of having too many friends, for surely only someone who knows you can harm you."

"I believe in Allah like I believe in the Sun; not because I see it, but because of it, I see everything."

"The biggest form of devotion to the service of Allah (swt) is not to make a show of it."

"Whoever accepts from Allah the little livelihood, Allah will accept from him the little in actions."

"Good intentions are the best of secrets."

"Do not let your brother be stronger than you are in your amity for him."

"When you feel afraid to do a thing then do it because the real harm which you may receive is less painful than its expectation and fear."

"The best thing with which people can win the hearts of their loved ones and remove the animosity from the hearts of their enemies is cheerfulness upon meeting, asking about them in their absence, and smiling at them in their presence."

"It may happen that you ask (Allah) for something and He does not give it to you in order to endow you with (something) of better quality (later)."

Semua ucapan beliau adalah pelita bagi yang gelap, air bagi yang kehausan, asa bagi yang hilang harap, kekuatan bagi hati yang lemah... Salah satu sabda beliau yang paling menyentuh hatiku:

"Be like the flower that gives its fragrance to even the hand that crushes it..."

Salam alaika ya Ali

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