16 April 2015


Tadi malam saya nonton How I Met Your Mother season 1 (finally, nemu juga). Episode Halloween. One of the best things about HIMYM, beside the plot itself, adalah soundtrack jelang akhir tiap episode. Guess whose song at that Halloween episode that almost made me cry? None other than Nadasurf, Inside of Love. Huaaa. It could have meant nothing kalo moment adegannya tidak tepat. But that's the beauty of it, adegannya pas. Goosebumped as the scene fade out.

Made me remember our college days hahaha. Melow deh. Setting serialnya 2005. Jadi masih fresh-fresh nya lagu itu ya. Mungkin nuansanya beda kalo nontonnya pas saat itu juga. But, as Ted believe in timing, last night maybe the perfect time for me to watch it.

Guess that's all I can share. Good luck with your paper.


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