13 March 2015


Apa kabarmu? Saya menulis ini saat sedang break Shalat Jumat. Semuanya keluar kecuali saya. You know, insecure issue :D I'm listening to Showbiz and Sunburnt from Muse's very first record. Those early days, waktu pertama pertama dengar dan jatuh cinta sama Matt Bellamy sampai hari ini. Yes, #Psycho sudah rilis tadi malam, nda sampai ronda timeline Twitter. Tapi pagi pas di pete-pete baru sempat dengar.

Mmm... Klo dari riff nya sebenarnya itu bahan mentah dari tahun 1999. So it was quite familiar. Im just happy they're back. Some kind of, like the new air, you got reason to live again hahahha. Pity me, jadwal tur Eropa mereka padat tahun ini. Semoga singgah di Stockholm ya. Supposed to be there but, mungkin pada waktu yang lain.

By the way, I'm alright. Bagian low point nya sudah lewat. Mom called and she has been the strongest pillar in my life. I will keep seeking. Another road maybe, that every road will meet in the end. Dwi beberapa hari lalu DM loker yang sangat tempting :D worth a try, to see how far we can push the limit.

Happy Spring dear!
Love always,


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