Just read your blog and finally notice there is one for me :D my bad. How's life? I heard it’s already Fall in Stockholm. don’t blow! But one of your picture moved me to write this. You know I always loved to walking down the streets. Often I wish to be a street photographer. Looking at the pic, I keep imagining, kita berjalan across the zebra cross, lalu lalang orang-orang dengan pakaian tebal membungkus tubuh, lalu kita mengencangkan jaket as the wind blows and the leaves will slowly hit the ground. Then stopping by di salah satu café nearby, drinking coffee and talking bout favorite books and movies, or maybe complaining about the weather and how much we miss home. We started to remember anything back then. And I can hear your typical laughter.
Makassar belum turun hujan juga, padahal ini sudah Oktober. Hapal lho saya jadwal musim hujan di Makassar tahun-tahun kemarin #ihik. Yes, it suppose to be raining now. But, jika pun harus datang terlambat tidak mengapa. Beberapa hari lalu, waktu akan menjenguk Abah di Grestelina, saya mampir di gerobak pisang peppe depan rumah sakit. Saya bertanya apakah tetap jualan kalau misalnya hujan. Iya mbak, nanti dipasangin tenda biar tetap bisa jualan, katanya. Tidak kebayang repotnya seperti gimana, tapi, it becomes one of many reasons to be thankful. Malam itu abang penjual tampak sangat bahagia dengan aktivitasnya. Yes, life doesn't stop no matter how hard it is.

I read Harper Lee's because Anderson in The Perks of Being Wallflower told Charlie it was a masterpiece. See, I'm getting absurd again :D I love the movie, 24 times and still counting. We know how much I've been moved by how many scenes I pretend I am. Considering bout what happened to my admission, I think I am Sam now, the one who failed SAT but eventually made her moving on and did it. Hope I will too, amin. For a misty morning in Praha yes.
I envy your readings actually, like I miss classroom again. Enjoy it, hard maybe but, seperti kata orang bijak sebuah berlian akan menghasilkan pantulan cahaya sempurna jika dia diasah sedemikian rupa. And you will be coming home a different person. Please remember that, as Kak Syam once said, malaikat melebarkan sayapnya menaungi seseorang yang menuntut ilmu. I hope this one works when you're feeling down.
Looking forward to receive your postcard and the oak's leaves.
Stay healthy and I wont forgive you if you're not tagging me a gig you've been to hahaha :D
Love always,
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